Tire Safety Initiatives 

a group of people sitting together smiling

Through partnerships with local schools and organizations, our goal is to host sponsored tire checks for teenage drivers to better educate them on tire safety and maintenance.

Did You Know?

  • 35% of vehicle fault accidents are related to tire issues - Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • 4 in 10 teenagers are driving on unsafe tires - Michelin
  • 43% of teens have never checked their tire tread depth; 32% of teens have never checked their tire pressure - Michelin

Pennies Save Lives

Did you know that you can check tire tread depth with a penny? The Penny Test is an easy tool to determine if your tread is of safe depth.

a pile of coins


Place a penny with Lincoln's head upside down between two ribs on your tire.

a hand holding a small round object


If part of the head is covered, then your tires are still in good shape.

a person holding a small cracker


If you can see his entire head, then your tread is worn to 2/32 inch or less and it's time for new tires.



Pennies Save Lives

We will be partnering with local elementary schools to collect pennies, and all proceeds will go towards the purchase of tires for teens in need.

Join the Journey